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Clear Windows Single Copy 12-book Set, Grade 1

Product Number: NL-7200
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Celebrate Rich and Diverse Voices and Identities Clear Windows is an exciting, forward-thinking new collection of 36 fiction...




Celebrate Rich and Diverse Voices and Identities Clear Windows is an exciting, forward-thinking new collection of 36 fiction and nonfiction texts that promote multiple perspectives, critical thinking, and knowledge building. Reach and raise every child with responsive teaching lessons. Share authentic texts featuring underrepresented groups. Build knowledge, vocabulary, and perspectives by aligning to science, social studies, and ELA topics. Set includes 1 each of the following titles: The Mangrove and the Mudskipper (Sci, G), Downtown in My Town (LA, J), Mapping to Success (SS, J), The Night Sky (Sci, H), Hiss! Growl! Meow! (LA, H), A Good Deed (SS, G), The Mystery of the Missing Parakeet (LA, I), The ABCs of ASL (SS, E), How Does Light Travel (Sci, F), Koyukon Fish Camp (LA, Level F), To the Moon and Back (Sci, Level I), Go go Goji: My Life as a Service Dog (SS, H)

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Newmark Learning, LLC